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Human Health Monitoring System

Giridhar Balakrishna. R, P. Yogananda Reddy, M. L. N. Vital


The main objective of this paper is to avoid the usage of human monitoring over a wide range of areas where every single object must be observed and to be attended in critical cases. The developed model is useful to check and analyze the condition of each patient/bed in a area for the pre-defined parameters such as temperature, heart beat rate and can be used to measure parameters like hypertension, panic button etc., and to send an alert message to the doctor/ nurse whenever there is a mismatch in the health condition of the patient for the pre defined values set by the user. The health monitoring kit can be fixed at each and every bed in hospitals. This Health Monitoring System is designed using Arduino Uno series micro controller, 16X2 Dot Matrix LCD Display, Eight channel ADC0809 and GSM modem.

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