Potential Repairing Techniques for an Existing Reinforced Concrete Structure
The service life of the structure gets reduced due to the drastic change in the climatic condition and also while exposing to aggressive chemicals present in the surrounding environment. In order to preserve the serviceability of the structure, some of the repairing techniques should be carried out. Nearly half of the nation's 575,600 highway bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. New materials need to be developed that can act as a permanent "Band-Aid" that would not require large amounts of demolition work to be done before repair begins. In this paper, the possible repairing technique is used to assess the reinforced concrete structures and new materials that are used for the repairing process are explained in detail.
“Construction Materials” by Rajput.
An article on “Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures”.
Alireza Naji Givi, Suraya Abdul Rashid, Farah Nora A. Aziz, Mohamad Amran Mohd Salleh “Contribution of RHA to the Properties of Mortar and Concrete” Journal of American Science.
Anuja Narayanan, “Behaviour of Rice Husk Ash-based Concrete under Compression” International Journal of Advance Civil Engineering and Technology, vol.3, no., pp. 1-11.
“Concrete Technology” by M.S.Shetty.
“Concrete Technology” by A.M. Neville.
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