Comparative Analysis between Flat Slab and Grid Slab of High Rise Buildings with Varying Geometry under Seismic and Wind Loading Condition
The present objective of this work is to compare between behavior of flat slab with waffle or grid slab using in high rise buildings in different geometry. For this analysis there are taken 18 models of Rectangular, Pentagonal and Octagonal geometry having different floors as 8, 16 and 24. The parametric studies comprise of maximum nodal displacement, maximum share force, storey drift maximum beam moment and axial forces generated in the beam and column. The modelling is done in STAAD.pro V8i for seismic zones IV. The Plan size of rectangle geometry 16X28 m, Octagonal geometry 16 m in diameter, and octagonal geometry 12 m in diameter is considered. The height of floors is taken 3.2 meter. Seismic loadings are considered separately to evaluate the performance of all the 18 models and conclusions have drawn on the best framing system. On the basis of the seismic behavior, the performance of the structure is checked, and then after finally the additional required measures and concepts for the design of structure for the improvement are suggested. This study gives various information of seismic parameters like storey drift, maximum beam moment seismic,
behavior, base shear and maximum share force based on current literature review.
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