Seismic Analysis for R.C Flat Slab & Grid Slab with Shear Wall & Bracing
The most recent pattern in seismic plan of structures as indicated by Indian gauges infers considering the impact of section firmness, while assessing outlining structure solid components – the solidness consequences for size of seismic powers and sidelong removals. In this research work a comparative analysis of a high-rise building (G+10) frame is considered with Flat and grid slab under the effect of seismic loading as per Indian standard provision at 1893-part-1:2002, also strengthening the structures with lateral load resistance members i.e. bracing and shear wall. Here results are studied in terms of maximum forces, moment, and displacement as well as in terms of cost. The results obtained concludes that there is reduction of approximately 1.02-1.5 times on forces and moment in case of considering grid slab with shear wall, also after cost analysis, it can be concluded that due to decrease in Bending Moment, reinforcement requirement is less. Hence in cost analysis as per CPWD S.O.R. 2017, there is reduction in material cost by 14.73%.
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