Pre-stressed (Random) vibration analysis due to wind and seismic load in different filling condition of an elevated intze water tank fluid system has been studied using finite element method. In present work the pre-stress effect of seismic load on the free vibration of intze water tank up to 10th mode shape is compared with the pre-stress effect of wind load on free vibration of intze water tank fluid system in different filling condition. It is seen in the present work that the difference in pre-stress effect on frequencies of free vibration in intze water tank is very low or it can be negligible for different loading condition. The static analysis of tank due to seismic load and wind load of an intze type water tank fluid system in different filling condition are also studied using finite analysis. Stresses and deflection in static analysis due to seismic load and wind load and also compare with each other. The maximum stresses and deflections in all cases in present study are calculated.
The analysis has been done for different loading condition in different filling condition of tank. The analysis is performing using ANSYS -14.5 MECHANICAL APDL software, in which Solid 187 element is used for discretizing tank & Fluid 30 element is used for discretizing fluid system. To validate the present work frequencies of free vibration is calculated and compare with the previous study (transient and free vibration analysis of elevated intze water tank fluid soil system). The results obtained are same calculated previously by the other author. After validation the pre-stress (random) vibration analysis is done and results obtained from this research work are presented in table form as well as in figures form and comparison of results in graphical form also. Resonance condition for vibration analysis is also discussed.References
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