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A Low Cost flow compensated turbidity Sensor

Miss. Swapna Bhavsar, Prof. Pramod Kanjalkar


This paper presents a low cost turbidity sensor. The turbidity has been classified as a basic item to measure water quality. The basic goal of this project is to create low cost, light weight implementation and reliable long time operation which is used in water distribution system, water consumers, water companies and authorities.  Our turbidity sensor has been achieved by simple optical setup which consists of 5v supply to arduino and other components like temperature sensor, flow sensor, Blue LED, phototransistors. The turbidity is determined by regression  method to measuring the transmittance of scattered LED light by the particles in the different water sample of kaoline powder which easily settles down and not harmful like other formazine standard solution . As a result of experiments with the water samples, we could verify that our simple optical measurement setup can be useful tool in turbidity sensing.

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