Performance of Black Cotton Soil Stabilized With Rubber Tyre Shreads
The nature of Black Cotton Soil i.e. swelling and shrinkage made it more difficult type of soil in India. The typical behavior of BC soil makes it difficult and dangerous to have foundation material for any structure in civil engineering. The BC soils have low bearing capacity and shear strength hence its instability under heavy loads introduces the necessity to reinforce or stabilized the BC soil. The present study enumerates the effect of rubber tyre shred (0 - 10%) on engineering as well as index properties of BC soil. It was found that the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density decreases with increase in the percentage of rubber tyre shread. The CBR value increases with increase in the percentage of rubber tyre shread. The effect on shear strength parameters was also checked by performing various laboratory tests.
Keywords: Expansive Soil, Rubber Tyre Shread, Shear Strength, California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
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