Study of CBR on BC Soil Admixed with Untreated and Treated Coir Fibers
The roads Constructed on BC soil leads undulations on surface of roads, due to loss of Shear strength of the sub-grade from softening of BC Soil during monsoon, and also BC Soil is expansive in nature because of its mineral content. In this study, the performance of BC soil admixed with treated and untreated coir fiber with reference to CBR value has been studied. An effort has been made to treat coir fibers because of Natural coir fibers get degrade with time. Coir fibers were first treated alkali treatment and coated with water based epoxy resin along with stone dust sprinkling to create friction between soil and treated coir fiber. Lime was used as a stabilizing agent. A number of compaction tests were carried on different percentage of coir fibers form 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3%, to determine the optimum fiber content and lime were used from 0 to 4%, to find optimum lime content. The test results indicated that optimum fiber content was 0.5% and optimum lime content was 3%. CBR tests were carried out on different combinations of treated and untreated coir fibers with lime and compared with BC soil alone. From the results it was observed that the best combination was that of BC soil reinforced with 0.5% treated coir fiber.
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