An Experimental Study on Variation of CBR Value for Layered Soils
It is necessary for the Geotechnical engineer to furnishes, the necessary soil parameters must then employ in some empirical or analytical formulae have to perform in order to get the desired solution. The needed soil parameters, invariably, must be obtained either through careful laboratory measurements or some other in-situ tests. The California bearing ratio (CBR) test was conducted both in soaked and unsoaked condition for different types of soil for different combinations of soils were used which are compacted in layered to form homogeneous and heterogeneous soils of thickness L, L/2, L/3 and 2L/3to form two and three layer system. In the present investigation attempt has been made that the two type black cotton soil and red soil.
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Hemantkumar N. Ronad “An Experimental Study on Square Footing Resting on Geo-Grid Reinforcement Sand” International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN: 2319-1163|P-ISSN: 2321-7308, Vol. 03, Issue No.05, May-2014, P. P 177-181.
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