Influence of water level rise, on the right bank of reservoir, on slope stability – A case study of Dagannshan hydropower project
In this paper the stability of slope under the varying water level is taken into consideration. For the case study the right bank of the reservoir of Daganshan hydropower is taken as the study site. The analysis is done by the use of SEEP/W and SLOPE/W, implementing Morgenstern-Price method for stability analysis. The slope stability is affected when the level of water changes. The change in Factor of Safety with the rise in water level is obtained. Two conditions of rise in water level is studied as fast and slow and the effect of different condition is studied. The variation of factor of safety with the height of water level for both situations is observed and thus the suitable condition is recognized.
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Prof.Ing. MarcoFavaretti ENVIRO NMENTA LGEOTECHNICS[2013/2014] Slope Stability Theory
Charles W. W. Ng and Bruce Menzies Advanced Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Engineering
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