External Corrosion of Ductile Iron Pipes Due To Contaminated Soils
An experimental study is conducted to determine the interaction/exchange between metals in contaminated soils and those in metallic water pipes. Experimentation was carried out on two-100 mm diameter (ductile iron pipe) DIP sections, buried in soil and subjected to artificial rainwater (ARW) representing three years’ rainfall. The backfill soil was contaminated with controlled concentrations of heavy metals; they were Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Chromium (Cr) and Lead (Pb). These were then allowed to seep through the soil to the pipe external surfaces. The iron released from the pipe was then determined in the drainage. Copper exerted the strongest reaction releasing 2.49 g F3/m length of one pipe, lead had the least effect. It was concluded that ion exchange at the surface was an important corrosion mechanism and the activity was a function of the metals position in the electrochemical series. A correlation between the extent of contamination and the amount of metals in the collected runoff was also obtained.
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