Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil by Using Construction and Demolition Waste
Black cotton (BC) soil that change significantly in volume with change in water content is the major cause of distortions to structures in India since, it covers around 20% of land area. Over the years successful methods have been used to stabilize them. However, it is found very important for engineers to judge the effectiveness and appropriateness of all stabilizers. Black cotton soil constitutes of a too easy phyllosillicate collection of minerals that procedure when they involve from water solution as microscopic minerals known as Montmorillonite. Clay mineral that have susceptibility to change volume with application of moisture into it which in turn create various problems during construction on site due to swelling and shrinkage behavior. The expansive soils encounters swelling and shrinkage during different wet and dry seasons causing considerable damage to structures. The problems caused by expansive soil to the stability of civil engineering structures have received universal attention in view of serious economic loss at national level of many nations. Now a day’s construction industry is increasing rapidly in India due to improving economic growth; and large amount of waste being generated. In this research we have studied various soil parameters with respect to conventional soil ( sample procured from field) and stabilized soil ( by adding increasing percentages of construction and demolition waste) and the C&D waste percentages are added as 3%, 6% and 9% the CBR values are increased considerably.
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