Analytical Model of Slope Stability Analysis by Soil Anchoring
Persuade of the prospective development of slope stability analysis of retaining structure has been incorporated in the current study and it has realistic investigated the strength parameters by stability analysis of soil anchoring for the retaining structure with prestressed anchors. It is a new technique that may be used in the dig of deep trench pits. The shear stress of the soil anchoring interface varies linearly with shear displacement in the elastic phase, but after the ultimate shear stress of the interface is approached, the shear stress becomes constant. To consider the progressive failure of the nail-soil interface during pullout, three typical phases are considered, namely the initial pure elastic phase, the elastic-plastic phase, and the pure plastic phase. Limit Equilibrium Approach is used for the analysis of slope stability of soil is presented in this paper to investigate the failure mechanism of such retaining structure for the prospective development of stability analysis. The influence of the prestressed anchor is perceptive to inflexibility of the concrete surface deposit of the retaining structure. Pedestal based on the results of the modelling, the failure mechanism of soil anchoring prestressed anchor composite retaining structure is examined and determination of geotechnical and structural capacity of soil anchoring is adopted in the present study. The total 5 soil samples were collected for a length of 5 km at 1.5 m below the ground level at an interval of 1km, Islampur.
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