Forecasting of Solar Radiation of an Area by Using Artificial Neural Network Technique through Matlab
Over the years, solar radiation is the area of major concern. Most of the inventions done in last few years, are in renewable energy generation as conventional energy sources are not enough for years to come. There is a need of finding alternatives of nonrenewable sources. This study is totally based on solar energy to give some contribution to the development of renewable energy generation. In this paper, a detailed analysis has been made for forecasting of solar radiation by using Artificial Neural Network. In this Forecasting method the inputs are taken by using different sensors, which are connected by Ardunio UNO board. The collected data then stored in a excel sheet by a software called PLX-DAQ, which represents collected data into a graphical form for further studies. Now this data can be used for developing an ANN model into MATLAB by using ANN toolbox. The network that is developed in MATLAB can be trained and sufficient information can be extracted from it. Compressions can be carried out with the original data and trained data and the results now shows rate of error between both. This will also give the forecast accuracy i.e. obviously improved under variable weather conditions.
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