The current power rely heavily on the fossil fuels, including oil, coal, and natural gas, as the energy sources. So, Climate change and greenhouse gas emissions have become a recognized problem of international significance in recent years. Renewable energy sources offer a key solution to this problem. Optimization of energy consumption in future Smart Grids will be based on grid-integrated near-real-time communications between various grid elements in generation, transmission, distribution and loads. Smart Grids are backbone of a Smart City by enabling the integration of small distributed energy resources in urban network, increasing customers awareness, providing real-time optimization of energy flows at the urban level, enabling interdependence and facilitating a multi-services approach linking the electricity carrier and other infrastructure. Increased use of Information and Communication technology (ICT) improves reliability, security, and efficiency of electric grid through a dynamic optimization of grid operations and resources, (with full cyber security).
Ali Ipakchi, KEMA, Inc. (2007) “Implementing the Smart Grid: Enterprise Information Integration”, Grid Interop Forum 2007, Paper 121.122-7.
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IoannisLampropoulos,, Greet M. A. Vanalme, and Wil L. Kling,“A methodology for modeling the behavior of electricity prosumers within the smart grid” .
Tamilmaran Vijayapriya1*, Dwarkadas Pralhadas Kothari2,”Smart Grid: An Overview”, Scientific Research, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 2011, 2, 305-311doi:10.4236/sgre.2011.24035 Published Online November 2011.
Akash K Singh,” Smart Grid Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control”, International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research (ijceronline.com) Vol. 2 Issue. 7.
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