A Review Paper on 5G Wireless Technology
5G is 5th generation of wireless technology. 5G will give Mobile Telecommunication Standard beyond the present 4G Standards. 5G is made public by some telecommunication companies (Standardization Bodies) such as ITU-R, WiMAX Forum or 3GPP. 5G wireless technology will include the area of Dynamic Adoc Wireless Web (DAWN), and the real time wireless world. 5G technology will change the means to use a mobile phone within very high bandwidth, more number of applications the same sized physical memory chip due to the usage of cloud computing with 5G wireless technology. 5G term is not officially used.
5G technology will support IPV6 (IP version 6 since internet is initially an all IP system) and flat IP concept so that more and more devices can be connected with the network. 5G will offer the great quality of video quality and VOIP (voice over IP) enabled device that will offer the high level of call volume, documentation, electronic transactions and simultaneously be connected with the multiple wireless technology and also switch between them according to the need.
Myungsup Kim, Do Young Kwak, “Generalized OFDM for 5th Generation Mobile Communications” Pages: 1–5, IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Con-ference, 2017.
Gourav Misra; Arun Agarwal; Saurav Misra; Kabita Agarwal “Device to de-vice millimeter wave communication in 5G wireless cellular networks (A next generation promissing wireless cellular technology)”, Pages: 89–93, 2016 International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded System (SCOPES) IEEE Confrence, 2016.
Ahmed Al Amin; Devashish Basak; Tania Khadem; Md. Delwar Hossen; Md. Shoriful Islam, Analysis of mod-ulation and coding scheme for 5th gen-eration wireless communication sys-tem”, Pages: 1545–1549, 2016 Interna-tional Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA), IEEE Confrence, 2016.
Yejian Chen; Mark Doll, “Enhanced Control Signal and Data Detection for 5G Multicarrier Low Power Commu-nications”, Pages: 1–5, IEEE 84th Ve-hicular technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 2016.
Willie W. Lu., “An open Baseband Processing Architecture for Future Mobile Terminals Design”, IEEE Wireless Communications, April 2012.
Suk Yu Hui, Kai HauYeung, “Chal-lenges in the Migration to 4G Mobile Systems”, IEEE Communications Magazine, December 2003.
JiveshGovil, JivikaGovil, “5G: Func-tionalities development and an Analy-sis of Mobile Wireless Grid”, First In-ternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology.
M. Hata, “4G Mobile Communication Systems beyond IMT-2000 communi-cations” Proc 5th Asia Pacific Confe-rence communication 4th Optoelect. Commun. Confrence, vol. 1, 1999, pp. 765–67.
M. Bhalla, A. Bhalla, “Generations of Mobile Wireless Technology: A Sur-vey” International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 5- No.4, August 2010.
A. Tudzarov, T. Janevski, “Design of 5G Mobile Architecture” International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, Vol. 3, No. 2, August 2011.
T. Janevski, “5th Generation Mobile Phone Concept– CCNC conference in Las Vegas, 2009.
Sapana Singh, Pratap Singh “Key Concepts and Network Architecture for 5G Mobile Technology” in Interna-tional Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology Volume 1 Issue 5 pp 165–170 August 2012.
VWS Wong, LC Wang “Key Technol-ogies for 5G Wireless Systems”, 2017.
5G Mobile Technology Available: http://seminarprojects.com/Thread-5g-mobiletechnology-documentation-download?pid=116396#pid116396.
Vadan Mehta “5G Wireless Architec-ture” Available: http://www.4gwirelessjobs.com/pdf/5g-Wireless-architecture.pdf.
5G mobile Technology Abstract Available: http://www.seminarsonly.com/Labels/5g-Mobile-TechnologyAbstract.php.
The Flat World Theory Availa-ble:http://connectedplanetonline.com/wireless/news/core_networks_090201/.
Janise McNair, Fang Zhu, “Vertical Handoffs in 4G multi network En-voirments”, IEEE Wireless Communi-cations, and June 2014.
5G technology Available: http://freewimaxinfo.com/5gtechnology.html.
4G wireless System Available: http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/aSGuest1283821350425-4g-wireless-systems-final/.
4G as a next wireless network Availa-ble: http://www.scribd.com/doc/45905504/4G-as-a-Next-GenerationWireless-Network.
4G Features Available: http://www.mindya.com/shownews.php?newsid=2248.
Niki Upaddyay “5G wireless technolo-gy” Available: http://www.slideshare.net/upadhyayniki/5-g-wireless-system.
Life emitates Arts: Mas and 5G Avail-able: http://aresproject.com/life-imitates-art-mas-and-5g/.
Qi Fang; Zhang WeiJie; Wang Guojun; Fang Hui “Unified Security Architec-ture Research for 5G Wireless Sys-tem”, Pages: 91–94, 2014 11th Web Information System and Application IEEE Conference, 2014.
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