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A Survey on Autonomous Pest Detection Using Image Processing and Pest Control with Embedded System in Agricultural Ecosystem

Siva Sangari A, Dr.D. Saraswady, Dr.G. Sasikumar


In late rural field, bother ID causes noteworthy decrease in both quality and amount of yield development. Keeping in mind the end goal to build the Production rate of harvest, the nearness of little vermin, for example, aphids, whiteflies, and creepy crawly bugs which causes leaf twisting is the real issue. Thusly early irritation identification is a noteworthy test in rural field. Self-ruling Pest identification utilizing picture handling gives precise area of the irritation so that the controlled measure of splashing pesticides expands the creation rate in development. This examination audits on the study of use of picture handling with implanted framework in farming field, for example, imaging strategies, weed location and organic product evaluating.

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