Experimental Investigation of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Effect of Rapeseed oil Methyl Ester (ROME) powered by Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) Diesel Engine.
An effort has been taken to study the performance and emission characteristics of a Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel (Rapeseed Oil Methyl Ester-ROME, B100) the use of EGR. Experiments are carried out on a unmarried cylinder, 4-stroke diesel engine powered by Variable Compression ratio with 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% EGR keeping the load constant. diverse engine overall performance parameters such as particular fuel intake, Brake electricity, Brake thermal efficiency were calculated from received records. At CR-18, the overall performance and emission parameters for ROME are better when compared to different compression ratio. This suggests the feasibility of using ROME as an alternative gasoline for diesel. With utility of EGR the NO emissions have been significantly reduced. however the use of EGR at excessive stages bring about certain consequences. It increases CO and HC emissions and also impacts the overall performance. The cause of this Paper is to determine the possibility of the usage of biodiesel as an alternative fuel for petro diesel and effect of EGR and VCR on emission traits of Engine.
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