Application investigation of Compression-Type Anchor
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Li, Y., Zhao, Y.X., Wang, C., et al. (2013) Study on Characteristic and Mechanism of Deformation what's more, Failure of Roadway Surrounding Rock in Deep Mining. Propelled Materials Inquire about, 734, 819-823.
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Li, H., Liu, W.J. also, Qiao, W.G. (2013) Study on High Prestressed Anchor Beam Supporting Improvement Technology in Deep Roadway. Connected Mechanics and Materials, 353, 1675-1679.
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Liao, H.J. also, Hsu, S.T. (2013) Uplift Behavior of Blade-Underreamed Anchors s in Silty Sand. Diary of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 129, 560-568.
Zhang, Z.H., Yang, S. also, Ma, L. (2007) Application of Compression-Dispersive Anchor in Unearthing Supporting Engineering. Modern Construction, 37, 9-12. (In Chinese)
Kim, N.K. (2003) Performance of Tension and Compression Anchors in Weathered Soil. Diary of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 129, 1138-1150.
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