Calculating the exhaust ejection system in the ventilation of the painting chamber
Problem statement: The ventilation system plays a decisive role in the creation of the microclimate in various premises. It is known that the ejection ventilation system is well proven both for high-rise residential and office buildings, and for industrial premises. All paint coatings are corrosive and easily flammable substances. In addition, solvent vapors are explosive. It is therefore desirable to use ejection ventilation system in the design of the ventilation system of paint booths. The ejector is simple in design; it can work in a wide range of parameters of state of steam-air mixtures.
Results: The calculation and design of a low-pressure ejector have been performed. An ejection ventilation system has been synthesized using the universal modeling package ChemCad that contains highly developed database to calculate thermophysical properties of various substances and their mixtures.
Conclusions: The obtained results can be recommended in the layout of the ventilation gadget of paint booths both new and reconstructed. The Usage of the software allows carrying out multiple calculations, which are indispensable for the solution of optimization problems.
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