Industrial Application of Induction Heated System
A high frequency resonant mirror inverter based induction-heated device has been evolved with helical formed heating coil in its primary. To reduce the pores and skin effect loss & proximity loss, the heating coil is manufactured from litz twine. The coil inductance & a.c resistance were decided the usage of analytical method below on load situations. With the specific secondary metallic gadgets in its secondary the determined values of inductance & a.c resistance have been found to alternate substantially. For industrial programs stainless nevertheless is preferred due to its excessive permeability and resistivity. The lab prototype of induction heated gadget is experimented with water as fluid & stainless nevertheless plates as secondary metal object and for exceptional frequencies efficiencies were acquired. eventually to decide the load shape the system is examined with single layer, double layer & triple layer metal sheets made of different metallic mixtures.
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