Performance evaluation of a combined heat and power plant in an Indian sugar industry: A case study.
In this paper, a thermodynamic analysis of a combined heat and power plant is performed for a 20.70 MW bagasse fired power plant. Design data of a uniquely designed plant is used, which is located at Chikodi, India. It is integrated with sugar and ethanol production process to meet internal thermal and electric energy demand, whereas the surplus is exported. Energy and exergy formulations are developed for different components of the plant and also the combined heat and power system as a whole. A parametric study based on energy and exergy parameters is included. Energy analysis reveals that a lot of heat is lost through condenser whereas exergy analysis indicates that largest exergy destructions take place in the boiler. The combined heat and power system is found to be less sustainable at higher ambient temperatures in terms of exergy. A detailed discussion is provided, which facilitates and throws light on further improvements to be made in the present plant conditions. It is believed that the present analysis would be helpful for practicing engineers and designers in the field of sugar and power engineering.
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