Application of Signal-to-Noise (S/N) Ratios and ANOVA for the Prediction of Optimal Designs of Multiple Performance Characteristics
In present days, Aluminum based particulate reinforced metal matrix composites have high applications in aerospace, automobile, chemical and transportation industries because of their improved strength, high elastic modulus and increased wear resistance over conventional base alloys. In the present work aluminium metal matrix composite (LM24 + SiC (5%)) is taken as the work piece and the experiments were conducted on CNC-wire electric discharge machine. The experiments were planned as per the taguchis standard L27 OA for the selected process parameters of Pon, Poff and Ip at three different levels. Taguchis Signal-to-Noise ratios and ANOVA are employed for the optimization of output characteristics. The results concluded that Pon and Poff are the major influencing parameters for material removal rate and surface roughness respectively. Finally, the optimal designs for the responses were predicted and they found to be more accurate and adequate.
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