Shape Optimization and Analysis of Arm of an Excavator
Excavator is heavy gadget consisting of an articulated arm (backhoe), bucket and cab installed on a pivot (a rotating platform, like a Lazy Susan) a pinnacle and undercarriage with tracks or wheels. Their layout is a herbal development from the steam shovel. Excavators are meant for excavating rocks and soils. Excavators may have a mechanical or hydraulic force. Hydraulic excavators are the maximum crucial group of excavators. The Arm of an Excavator performs an essential function in the ordinary performance ofan excavator as it is connecting part between the bucket and body of an excavator. This study focuses on the design of Excavator arm with mass optimization. CATIA is used for modelling and ANSYS is used for the Analysis of the arm. Static analysis is carried out to know the working stresses. Further model analysis carried to see the mode shapes under full load and no load conditions. A comparative study is made between the existing and optimized designs.
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Shilpa D. Chumbale1 Prasad P. Mahajan, “Failure Analysis and Optimization of Excavator Arm - A Review”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 3, Issue 02, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613.
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