Simulation of Humonoid Locomotion Robot in Unknown Terrains
According to resources, the 1st& 5th biggest humanitarian issue the world is facing is "World Military Spending" and "Military Aid" respectively. In recent years, global military expenditure has increased and recent data showing global spending at over 1.5 trillion dollars ($). There were 29 major infiltration incidents (involving three or more fatalities) in 2009. The most significant among these, are SFs and civilians were attacked. Though militants suffered heavily in Jammu & Kashmir, India, and the situation has improved gradually, there was a rise in infiltration bids by militants in 2009. Red cross/Red crescent statistics indicates that for a period of 25 years, on an average 267 people a year were killed due to landslide disasters. However, the actual number killed by landslides is undoubtedly several times this number. There are no efficient methods to rescue the people who are trapped under the debris. This contributes to the number of deaths due to landslides. Therefore, there is a requirement to innovate a new vehicle automated guided vehicles (AGVs), probably a semi-autonomous robot with a locomotion that can dynamically adapt to the environment in which it is traversing. The challenge is designing adaptive locomotion technique that traverses unknown environments. This locomotion can be implemented by dual chassis locomotion, with inner chassis and the outer chassis. This method helps the robot to traverse in any terrain such as land, mountain, smooth, slippery, etc. The design, implementation and verification of the working of the vehicle are reported in this paper.
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