Past continues as a living tradition valid and relevant for the present. Architecture is the celebration of life, from philosophy to its rich art forms. Any projections found on the fundamental philosophies are timeless and off course sustainable. History stays alive as the living traditions. History and traditions both have their roots in the past but history for its inability to adapt to the new remains fossilized. Traditions on the other hand steadily familiarize to the changed time and suitably transforms to the changed conditions.
The processes of persistent modernizing makes tradition survive and concentrate’s it timeless. History has always signified the importance of correlation amongst human activities and nature. The future is in functioning and operating with nature than working against it .In traditional Indian architecture this balance with nature was an essential design element. Humans have tried to even out but nature has always governed us.
The objective of this research paper is to understand the organizational principles for spatial description in Indian architecture. To understand the integration with outdoors and through landscaping and light.
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