Energy Generation Using Municipal Solid Waste: Case of Waste to Energy Mega Projects
Growing population all around the world has contributed to increase the amount of solid waste generated and in solving the issue; number of Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) methods are available. This research was focussed on exploring the applicability of energy generation using MSW based on the Waste to Energy (WTE) mega projects in Sri Lanka using the qualitative research approach. “Waste to Energy Mega projects” was selected as the case study of the research. The findings of the research study revealed that 3R concept, landfilling, energy generation, composting, incineration; sanitary landfilling, open dumping and controlled dumping are the applicable MSWM methods in Sri Lanka. Further, incineration, gasification and anaerobic digestion were identified as the only available WTE methods in Sri Lanka. Furthermore, numbers of barriers and strategies to overcome the same were identified as a key finding of the research.
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