Production and Properties Characterization of Mixed Biodiesel Oil
It is discussed about the biodiesel in this study appeared as an alternative fuel due to its renewable and biodegradability characteristics.Some experiments tests have been carried out to produce the coconut oil diesel, evaluate the properties and performance of mixed biodiesel oils. All the fuels will be mixed with pure diesel according to percentage such as 5% of biodiesel, 10% of biodiesel, 20% of biodiesel and 30% of biodiesel. For the production of the biodiesel, transesterification process was used to convert pure coconut oil to coconut oil diesel. For the properties of the biodiesels, parameters that involved in this study are such as density, kinematic viscosity, flash point, calorific value and acid value. The engine speed was as starting with 1200rpm to 2200 rpm in 75% load condition and 100% load condition. Analysis for the results and discussions also has been done in this study. Density, kinematic viscosity, flash point and acid value of the mixed biodiesel is directly proportional to the percentage of the biodiesel blended. On the other side, the calorific value of the mixed biodiesel is inversely proportional to the percentage of the biodiesel blended.
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