Development and Mechanical Properties of SiC Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites
Predictable resources such as Steel, Brass and Aluminium etc will fail without any indication. Cracks commencement and circulation takes place within a short span. To overcome these types of problems, conventional supplies are replaced by Aluminium alloy materials. Aluminium alloys of six series have better properties than other series of aluminium alloys. Present work focuses on properties of aluminium alloy matrix Al6351 reinforced with SiC results in a composite which is manufactured by a liquid metallurgy process (Stir casting)ranging weight percentages from 2%- 10% of SiC powder. Hardness, Tensile Strength and Yield Strength of Aluminium alloy increases with increase weight percentages of SiC and% of elongation decreases. The microstructures are observed through Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).SEM analysis confirmed the nearly homogeneous dispersion of SiC particles in Al matrix. The addition of SiC into the Al6351 material causes the composite exhibit better mechanical properties with increased hardness, strength and density.
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