Design and Fabrication Testing of an Aqua Silencer
This paper is an attempt to minimize the harmful content of exhaust gas, before its emitted into the atmosphere. Air pollution is very most important from the view of public health, because every individual person breaths 22000 time a day approximately, every day they breathing 15 to 22 kg of air. Polluted air causes physical ill effect and physiological effects for the human beings and animals. Air pollution can be defined as addition to our atmosphere of any material, which will have a dangerous effect on upon our human beings life. The main harmful pollutants exited out by automobile engines are carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbon (UBHC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and Lead. vehicle engine emissions are not only the resources of air pollutants, different assets which includes electric powered electricity generating stations, industrial and home gasoline intake, refuse burning, commercial processing and chemical industries and so forth. they make heavily contamination of our environment so it's miles taken as a extreme tries should be made to preserve of our environment from degradation.So i consider these major problems of pollution of air. So, An Aqua silencer is an one of my trial, in this way it is mainly dealing with control of emission. Also this Aqua silencer is fitted to the exhaust pipe of the engine.
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