Modified IDCP Technique for Accurate Image Defogging

Vikas Mahor, Bulbul Bandil, Vandana Vikas Thakare


Digital Image is an imperative part in the explanation and analysis of data, which is in the digital type. Images and videos of outside scenes are generally affected by the bad weather environment such as haze, fog, mist etc. So image has bad visibility of the scene caused by the lack of quality. In current scenario the defogging techniques are not used practically in real time systems such as cases of train accidents due to fog. This paper exhibits a study about various image defogging techniques to eject the haze from the fog images caught in true world to recuperate a fast and enhanced nature of fog free images. The paper also presents a novel modified IDCP technique for efficient image defogging. In proposed work, we enhance digital images by applying modified technique model i.e.  M-IDCP (Modified-Improved Dark Channel Prior) Technique   which provide a superior quality picture with clear visibility and distinctive color. Toward the end, we remove the first defogging image   and look at them based on their Peak Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error (MSE) parameters. Result obtained from modified model ( IDCP- DCP- HE-CHAHE) showed improved performance in term of estimation of air-light , sky regions become bright and smoother and halo effect is also reduced in robustness PSNR and  MSE than that of (DCP- HE-CHAHE) in addition to the quality of recovered defogged image . With this proposed work defogging parameters as PSNR and SNR have been increased   by more than   20 percentage as compared to other literature

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