Design of Motorised Handicaps Wheelchair
First wheelchair model advanced lengthy again in 18th century, but speedy development on this field initiated considering the fact that mid of twentieth century. Seeing that then, many forms of fashions were designed, extending into extensive range of merchandise. This task involves the design of an ergonomically designed electric powered wheelchair for domestic use by using Indian old aged people. Stair hiking functionality is embedded in the layout through its structure and mechanism. The product particularly consists of three modules viz. seat, hyperlinks and body. Anthropometric measures are considered inside the dimensioning of seat. The body and wheels are designed and advanced through the equations generated from the statistical records of dimensions of staircases in Indian houses. Cognizance is laid on extraordinary parameters including shape, capability, generation and architecture of the product. The design is verified by using growing virtual Mockups of man or woman elements are generated in CATIA and are assembled to shape the final product. Necessary simulations of the product are generated in digital surroundings of CATIA. The physical and focused prototype indicating the structure and functionality is evolved the usage of thermocol fabric. Right here wheel vendors are made in RP (Fused Deposition Modeling) the use of ABS (Acrylo Butadiene Styrene) cloth.
N.M. Abdul Ghani, M.O. Tokhi, A.N.K Nasir, S.Ahmad., 2011. Control of a Stair Climbing Wheelchair 1 (4) 204-208
Giuseppe Quaglia⁎, Walter Franco, Riccardo Oderio., 2011. Wheelchair.q, A Motorized Wheelchair with Stair Climbing Ability 46 (1) 1602-1605
L J Murray., Study of Stair Climbing Assistive Mechanisms for the Disabled., 18-31
Lockton D., 2004 Wheelchair Drive 241 (1) 5-68
Factsheet for choosing a power wheelchair (Source: Disabled Living Foundation)
Peizer Edward, Wright D W., Five years of wheelchair evaluation., Veterans Administration Prosthetics Center
Chakravarty D K., Indian Anthropometric Dimensions., 1987.,