Protective Helmet Types with Materials and Methods of Construction
Motorcycle Helmet-Wikipedia.
Lie, B. C, Ivers, R, Norton, R, Boufous, S, Blows, S, Lo, S. K, Liu, Bette, C (ed), (2008), ―Helmets for preventing injury in motorcycle riders‖,https://dro.deakin.edu.au/eserv/DU
―How the crash helmet originated?‖, Motorcycle Magazine, June 22nd, 1922.
―Motorcycle Helmets Help Protect Against Spine Injury: Study, Researchers debunk myth that weight of head protection puts neck at risk in crash‖, http://healthusnews.com/healthnews/family-health----
―ECE 22.05 Motorcycle Helmet Standard, revision 2‖, http://www.ulece.org/trans/main/wp29/--
Turner, P. A, Hagelin, C. A., (2000), ―Novelty Helmet by motorcycle riders in Florida‖, pp. 69−76.
―Helmets: a road safety manual for decision makers and practitioners‖, http://www.int/roadsafety/projects/manuals/helmet_manual/em/
―The effect of the 1992 California Motorcycle Helmet Use Law on Motorcycle Crash fatalities and Injuries‖, Jess F. Kraus, MPH, Ph D; Corinne Peek, MPH; David L. Mc Arther, Ph D, MPH Allan Williams, Ph D, JAMA.
Standard No 218; Motorcycle helmets http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr-2007/octqtr/49efr571.218.pdf
―The United Nations Motorcycle Helmet Study, ECE/TRANS/252‖, http://www.unece.org/fileaddmin/DAM/trans/publications/WP29/United_Motorcycle_Helmet_Study.pdf
―Materials Used in Motorcycle Helmets‖, Fort Nine.
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