Effect of Spray Drying Conditions on Color Parameters of Pomegranate Juice
Based on central composite rotatable design effects of inlet air temperature, feed flow rate and blower speed color parameters such as lightness (L*) and color channel (a*) were investigated. The results show that with increase in inlet air temperature L* value of pomegranate juice powder is increased but a* value of pomegranate juice powder is decreased. Feed flow rate has negative effect on L* value of pomegranate juice powder as feed flow rate increases L* value decreases but it has positive effect on a* value of pomegranate juice powder as feed flow rate increases a* value also increases. Blower speed has slight effect on L* value of pomegranate juice powder, increase in blower speed increases L* value and it has same effect on a* value. This indicates that as air temperature increases pigment oxidation is more and which results in lighter product at the same time if air flow rate is more moisture content increases and which averts oxidation process and reduces lightness.
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