Reducing Emission in I.C. Engine by Using Zeolite
In internal combustion engine (ICE) where the combustion of a fuel occurs with an oxidizer in a combustion chamber that burns fossil fuels such as gas, oils, carbon dioxide, and other gases are released to the atmosphere. Vehicle emissions, in the form of conventional pollutants (CO, NOx, PM, HC, and others) and greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, and others), Global warming resulting from the emission of greenhouse gases, especially CO2, has become a widespread concern in the recent years. Though various CO2 capture technologies have been proposed, chemical absorption and adsorption are currently believed to be the most suitable ones. The operation of the chemical absorption process is with the use of absorbents like zeolite beads. We are using zeolite which is coming under the physical adsorption method to capture the CO2 emission from the exhaust of the diesel engine. Zeolite 13x is the adsorbent used to adsorbs the CO2 and water. The major concerns for selection of adsorbent are including cost, adsorption rate, CO2 adsorption capacity, and thermal stability. CO2-adsorbent is more effective and less energy-consuming regeneration techniques.
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