Thermal Energy Storage Using Heat Pipes in Solar Collectors
The performance of a solar collector is a key factor for analysis of thermal facilities.An Experimental research was performed to describe a newly developed Solar Collector incorporating Heat Pipes in its structure in place of normal evacuated tubes found in Conventional solar Collectors used these days.
Heat pipes dissipate substantial amount of heat with small temperature drop and provide efficient thermal transport.
A Heat Pipe Collector model with Dimensions 1m * 0.5m was assembled for domestic hot water application to a family of 3person.Temperature readings were taken in and out of the collector at 1 hour interval, during the day at the start of the year till June.The temperature and time histories are obtained and validated by ANSYS model; wherein approximately same results were given by experimental trail.The average temperature each day was found to be 75ºC ,which is quite high as compared to our conventional solar collectors.
The results goes on improving as the use of heat pipe Solar Collector increase each year. The usability is good as compared to conventional Solar Collectors which gets corroded as time proceeds.
L.L. Vasiliev, L.E. Kanonchik, A.A. Antoukh, A.G. Kulakov, I. Rosin, Waste heat driven solid sorption coolers, SAE Technical Paper 941580, 24th International Conference on Environmental Systems and 5th European Symposium on Space Environmental Control Systems, Friedrichshafen, Germany, 20–23 June 1994.
Leonard L., Vasilie, “Heat pipes in modern heat exchangers” A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Academy of Science, 15 P.Brovka str., 220072 Belarus Minsk, Russia Received 16 June 2003;accepted 8 December 2003
Solar Energy, The Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage (3rd Edition), S. P. Sukhatme and J.K. Nayak.
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