A Case Study on Traffic Generation And Distribution With Taffic Improvement Strategiesi In Jalandhar City.
The motive of the study in jalandhar city is efficient / optimal use of land and infrastructure. The higher the density, the smaller is the built up and the shorter trip lengths with less travel time and cost. The scientific studies indicate that dense and high rise cities consume less energy. There is less loss in the transmission of power and water and there is energy saving in terms of transport, water, power and street lights. Dense and high rise development may provide for more open spaces. Higher density gives a range of environmental benefits and reduces the pressure on land which is a limited source. The pressure of increased land values, urban accessibility, expanding population, globalization of trade and commerce etc make high densities with tall buildings inevitable. It will help in decentralization of the core area which is already over – burdened due to concentration of economic activities. Development along the major transport routes shall have good accessibility. Due to availability of vast chunks of land along these transport routes the land values are comparatively cheaper. Planned development is possible on the virgin lands in the form of good road network, parking, greenery, social infrastructure, utilities, housing, offices, trade and commerce, work centers, industrial and recreational etc.
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