Synthesis and Mechanical Studies on Reinforced Nanoclay with Ethylene Propylene-diene in PVP/PI Blended Polymers for Fluid Transport Structures and Non-conducting Electronic Insulator Geometries
A modified and reinforced hardened polymer of tris (2-methoxyethoxy) vinylsilane grafted ethylene-propylene-diene terpolymer (EPDM-g-TMEVS) has been prepared by bonding of tris (2-methoxyethoxy) vinylsilane onto ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) by using dicumylperoxide (DCP) initiator. The linear blends based on EPDM-g-TMEVS have been synthesized with varying weight percentages of poly vinyl pyrrolidone and aromatic polyimide PVP/PI blends by melt and mixing process in a twin-screw extrude technique. In
the same and similar manner, the dynamically sulfur based vulcanized and nanoclay reinforced blends of EPDM-g-TMEVS/PVP/PI have also been developed by using DCP and organically modified montmorillonite/china clay material by means of a twin-screw extruder. The grafting of TMEVS onto EPDM at bonding position present in the third monomer ethyledine norbornene (ENB) has been confirmed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The values of impact strength, percentage elongation at break, tensile
strength, flexural strength, flexural modulus and hardness are increased with an increase in the concentration of nanoclay particle due to efficient interaction between clay and blend constituents with interaction of polymer molecules into interlayer clay space. The structures made up of by these hardened composite polymeric materials are having high potential to withstand higher pressure, thermal shock and mechanical stress.
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