Commuting Characteristics of a Higher Institution Teaching Staff in Ekiti State
The study investigated commuting characteristics of workers in a higher institution in Ekiti State with a view to understanding their commute choice and willingness to change to the use of public transport. The study was conducted using questionnaire survey. 200 survey instruments, about 5% of the work force in the institution were distributed out of which 150 were returned completed. Out of this 150, 66 copies were completed by the teaching staff at the institution representing about 8% of their population. Analysis of the teaching staff
characteristics shows that only 12.3% of the workers use public transport while 83.1% drive to work, pointing out that public transport service is poorly adopted. Nevertheless, about 71% are willing to switch to public transport mode if the service is improved. This high percentage points to the potentials in transport development and investment that government may need to consider. Moreover, further analysis shows that high cost of fuel is the major reason given by the workers (48.5%) for willing to switch to public transport mode. This is followed by congestion problem (34.9%). The study further finds that as income increases,
high fuel cost becomes less important while congestion becomes more important to the workers. It therefore concludes that while the cost of fuel may be used by government to move workers to public transport, the challenge with congestion would frustrate such effort. Harnessing the opportunity reflected in this stated preference survey needs to be done with appropriate policies to make it successful.
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