Controlling on-street parking demand using sensitivity analysis: A case study at Kolkata
On-street parking is one of the most important aspects of the transportation system in any central business district (CBD) worldwide. Managing the on-street parking demand is an important issue in transportation planning, especially for metropolitan cities. Every car owner prefers to park their vehicle as close as possible to destination to minimize the walking distance, leading to overcrowded. The objectives of this study are to find out important parameters on on-street parking, generating a parking demand estimation model and to carry out sensitivity analysis to obtain most sensitive parameter(s) for demand estimation. The data are collected from field survey. Four CBDs of Kolkata, viz. Camac Street, Dalhousie, Gariahat and Park Street have been selected as case study areas in this study. The estimated demand is found to be much higher than the present supply. The forecasted demand is also estimated. Statistical software like SPSS is used for analysis.
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