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Effectiveness of STP on Knowledge and Practice Regarding CPR Among Policemen

Rev. Sr. Sajitha Moothedan, Mrs. Sony Aleyamma D, Ms. Aashily Joy


Introduction: Worldwide, the prevalence of death related to sudden cardiac arrest is increasing day by day. Early recognition and treatment of sudden cardiac arrest improves survival of victims. It is not just how quickly a patient is shifted to the hospital, but the manner of initial resuscitation in which the victim has undergone before shifting to hospital also makes a big difference. It is very important that every person in the community especially life survivors know about CPR to save life.  Methods: The research design selected for this study was one group pre- test post- test only design. Thirty Police officers who met inclusion criteria were selected using random sampling technique. After identifying the existing knowledge regarding CPR the policemen were given training on CPR by structured teaching program. Then the investigator conducted post-test by using self-administered structured questionnaire and a structured checklist to assess the knowledge and practice. Result: Majority of policemen were having poor existing knowledge regarding CPR.The mean difference between post-test and pre-test knowledge was 9.73 and standard deviation difference was 2.017. The ‘t’ value obtained was 14.2155 and  is significant at the 0.05 level. This implies that the knowledge level had improved after structured teaching programme. Besides, a highly positive correlation also exists between knowledge and practice (r = 0.86443).Conclusion: Levit’s behavioural model has shown that attitude and practice are very well determined by the knowledge base of the individual. The structured teaching programme and the demonstration were effective in increasing the knowledge and practice of policemen.

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