Effectiveness of STP to Overcome Anxiety from Road Traffic Accidents among School Children
Road traffic crashes kill nearly 1.3 million people every year and injure or disable as many as 50 million more. They are the leading cause of death among people aged 10-24 years. Children are saved today from various nutritional and infectious diseases are killed and aimed by injuries in hundreds of thousands tomorrow. In fact, road traffic accidents injuries alone ranked as the number one cause of the burden of disease among school going children between 5-14 years. The present study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme to overcome anxiety from road traffic accidents among school children in rajdhani public school at Bangalore Objectives of the study are to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme to overcome anxiety level of school going children regarding road traffic accidents. Hypothesis formulated based on variables. Study design: The research approach adopted for this study is evaluative approach. The research design adopted for this study was pre-experimental design that is one group pre- test and post- test design was applied. Sampling technique: The non- probability convenient sampling was used to select the sample for the study. Sample: The sample consists of the 50 school students in selected college area at Bangalore. Tool: The instrument used for the data collection was structured knowledge questionnaire for assessing the knowledge score. The data was planned to analyze on the basis of objectives and hypothesis of study. The obtained data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and interpreted in the terms of objectives and hypothesis of the study. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The overall experience of conducting this study was satisfying and enriching the knowledge. The study was a new learning experience for investigator. The study shows that there is a great need to develop and implement self – instructional module for various topics and procedures. The study reveals that the self-instructional module can be used as an effective teaching learning method.
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