A Study to Assess the Self-Efficacy and Anxiety among I Year B.Sc. (Nursing) Students
Introduction: Self efficacy is the belief of one’s capabilities to organize and execute the course of action to manage prospective situation. It is the key predictor of achievement and retention on most academic areas. Generally people with high self efficacy, approach difficult tasks and challenges to be mastered rather than as threats to be avoided: Strong feeling of fear, worry and nervousness often accompanied by uneasiness is known as anxiety. Nursing students are especially prone to experience anxiety and depression because of lot of hard work involved in completion of curricular assignments, comparable nature and limited time for relaxation.
Objectives: To assess the level of self efficacy among 1 year B.Sc. (N) students, To assess the level of anxiety among 1 year B.Sc. (N) students, To correlate self efficacy and anxiety among 1 year B.Sc. (N) students, To determine the association of demographic variables with level of self efficacy among 1 year B.Sc. (N) students, To determine the association of demographic variables with level of anxiety among 1year B.Sc. (N) students. Methodology: A co relational research design was used to assess the self efficacy and anxiety among 1 year B.Sc. (N) students. A total of 100 B.Sc. (N) students were selected by non probability convenient sampling technique at college of nursing, Nuzvid. [3] Tools used for conducting study were Modified Sherer Self Efficacy Scale to assess self efficacy and Zung Self Rating Anxiety Scale to assess anxiety [4-8]. Data were analyzed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The major findings of the study was among 100 students, 18(18.%) had weak sense of self efficacy, 55(55.%) had moderate sense of self efficacy and 27(27.%) had good sense of self efficacy. Among 100 students, 59(59.%) had normal anxiety, 28(28%) had moderate anxiety and 13(13%) had severe anxiety. This shows that there is statistically significant moderate negative correlation (-0.229) at 0.01 level exists between the self efficacy and anxiety among 1 year B.Sc. (N) students. Conclusion: Evidence from this investigation showed that the students had low self efficacy and high anxiety. Based on the obtained findings the researcher prepared a book let on promotion of self efficacy and tips to reduce the anxiety and distributed to the students, so that it will help them to improve their self confidence, achieving good academic grades, recover quickly from disappointment, have a wider over view of a task, to practice healthy behavior (non smoking, dieting, hygiene etc.) and to improve their professional skills. It will be beneficial to the students for their personal and professional growth.
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