Assess the Levels of Dependence And Severity of Psychiatric Illness Among Adolescent Boys Addicted to Marijuna
Marijuana refers to the dry leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from cannabis sativa or cannabis India plant; it is a psychoactive sedative drug. Adolescent age group is more likely to use cannabis in the form of Marijuana and experience many psychiatric illness problems from use. A recent survey from partnership at drug free shows that about 10% of teens smoke cannabis at least 20 times each month. The main objective of the study is to assess the dependency and associated psychiatric illness among adolescent people at selected area. The sampling sizes of 100 were recruited in purposive sampling technique; descriptive study was used along with structured MEEQ questionnaires. In study results shows that level of dependency were 46% adolescents are short term dependent to marijuana, 36% are moderate level of dependent to marijuana, and 23% adolescents are long term dependent to marijuana. There is a significant association between the level of dependency state of marijuana and the psychiatric illness such as visual hallucination, auditory hallucination, improved memory and learning ability at (p<0.05).
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