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Comparison of Research Instructional Methodologies among Allied Health Programs

Ryan Ray G. Gatbonton


Practice innovations and healthcare delivery improvements will flourish when learners of allied health programs are mentored through meaningful teaching strategies. This study aimed to compare the outcomes of research instructional methodology among allied health programs. Anchored on pragmatic and comparative education, the official grade records of 69 undergraduate students of nursing, medical technology, and radiologic technology, who were taught under standardized conditions in a health professions institute in Manila, Philippines were reviewed. The findings of the study revealed that the nursing students exemplified good grasp of research knowledge ( ̅1 = 82.86) compared to their medical technology ( ̅2 = 78.70) and radiologic technology counterparts ( ̅3 = 77.00). Proposal preparation was observed to be good among nursing students ( ̅1 = 88.00) and, on the average, among medical technology ( ̅2 = 82.68) and radiologic technology students ( ̅3 = 84.75). Similarly, manuscript writing is better among students of the nursing ( ̅1 = 88.66) and medical technology ( ̅2 = 85.51) compared to students in the radiologic technology programs ( ̅3 = 82.00). Findings presentation was deemed to be at the same level among student groups of allied health programs ( ̅1 = 84.43; ̅2 = 85.35; ̅3 = 85.00). One-way analysis of variance revealed a significant difference in the overall research capability of the students (p < 0.05). Scheffé post-hoc analysis confirmed that the nursing students attained better comprehension and actualization of health research concepts. Concurring with the tenets of comparative and pragmatic educational models, comprehension and operationalization of research concepts will differ among students of allied health programs even when taught in standardized teaching strategy. It is therefore recommended that an institutionalized research instructional methodology, contextualized and anchored at the core of every allied health discipline, should be implemented.

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