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A Descriptive Study to Assess the New Graduate Nurses Performance in Christian Mission Hospital, Madurai

R Bagavathi, Albert Blesson


Introduction: Today’s healthcare environment demands efficient use of resources. Because of the ongoing shortage and increasing acuity of patients, new graduate nurses must master both psychomotor and critical skills rapidly. Health care leaders must examine the competencies needed for new graduate nurses to succeed in this environment. Methodology: Descriptive design was adopted for this study. In which 10 new graduate staff nurse were selected as samples from non-probability purposive sampling technique. The study was conducted at Christian mission hospital, Madurai. A structured checklist questionnaire was formulated based on technical area, communication, professionalism and personal conduct for the data collection procedure. The study was conducted among new graduate nurse in Christian mission hospital, Madurai. Results: The finding revealed that majority of new graduate nurses had moderate level of performance 6 (60%). Least number of new graduate nurses had low level of performance 1 (10%).and 3(30%) had high level of performance.

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