An amperometric biosensor is an analytical device which is highly used in disease detection. It contains a ligand which is biological device known as glucose oxidase.it also contains a transducer which converts biological signal to electrical signal. The transducer is one which converts one form of energy to another form of energy. In this paper the work is presented in the form of 3D amperometric biosensor to detect cancer at what stage it is. The analytical device is 3D label free in detection of cancer. Cancer is a burning problem all around the world in which research on cancer detection is going on very fast to detect a device and also a drug to detect and eradicate this dangerous disease. Cancer is defined as abnormal, unregulated and uncontrolled growth of cells or tissues. It is NOT a pathogen.it is simply uncontrolled growth of living cells. Initially, cancer cells appear as healthy cells, slowly, they lose grip with human body, become flexible and separate from regular living cell array. The cancer cell has less content of oxygen and become hypoxia cells. Cancer is found more in USA and China. India stands third in cancer, in INDIA, the mostly found cancer is JAW cancer and breast cancer. They are due to chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol and also due to genetic factors respectively. Very recently, IITB have developed a RAMAN spectrogram to detect lung cancer at early stage on Nano scale phenomenon. In this Paper I would like to present the mathematical modelling of amperometric biosensors in early detection of cancer. The main motive in this paper goes with initial conditions of cancer cell, the equations are developed, slowly the equations are modified with the growth of cancer cell as per initial conditions to final conditions ie meta stage to advanced stage. The Numerical simulation of mathematical equations were developed in MATLAB 2018 software and results are produced, compared with previous results.
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