Online Submission and Evaluations of Programming Assignments

Siddhant Shrikant Chaudhari, Nilesh J. Uke


The learning curve is the most important step in the early stages of using a programming language. The most popular are C / C ++ and Java. In an academic environment, homework is important to ensure appropriate learning. E-learning is gaining widespread use and is used as an important method of education, especially in higher education. Manual evaluation of the program by the instructor or an expert is a slow process subject to errors and manual
errors. The evaluation and automatic evaluation of student responses / activities play an important role in improving e-learning and provide instructors with a long-term and long term task of manually assessing and classifying student assignments / programs. Online work delivery systems help teachers with time management problems and student assessment processes. It gives students a sense of practical application of the theoretical concepts taught in the classroom. A good style of programming is very important for software professionals.
In collage, manual control of programming tasks is a tedious task. Current programming assignments are not verified for all test cases. The purpose of this document is to explore the available tools, design and develop a web-based interactive application that computer students can use to send programming tasks and get feedback in real time. We have proposed a model for the automatic evaluation and qualification of the Java programs presented by the
students during the presentation of the paper term or a practical exam. The online application that has been designed and developed based on this document consists of an authorization, presentation and analysis component.

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