Microgrids -A Future Smart Grid Design
Microgrid is the small scale power grid with a bunch of manifold distributed generators (DGs) that supply electrical energy to consumers. The main components include loads, DERs, master controller, smart switches, protective devices, as well as communication, control and automation systems [1]. Two main control techniques used in microgrids are hierarchical control and distributed control structures. Both controls structures empower consistent and resourceful operation for microgrids. Different measures have been developed to improve the negative effects of the voltage disturbance and to moderate the power quality complications. A microgrid can able to operate moreover in grid- connected or autonomous (islanded) modes. Islanding can have undesirable impacts on system operation as well as safety issues if not detected and configured on time. Within the smartgrid concept microgrids have been proposed as novel distribution network architecture.
Sina Parhizi, Hossein Lotfi, Amin Khodaei, Shay Bahramirad. "State of the Art in Research on Microgrids: A Review", IEEE Access, 2015
Alireza Majzoobi, Amin Khodaei. "Application of Microgrids in Supporting Distribution Grid Flexibility", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017,
Fu, Qiang, Adel Nasiri, Ashishkumar Solanki, Abedalsalam Bani-Ahmed, Luke Weber, and Vijay Bhavaraju. "Microgrids: Architectures, Controls, Protection, and Demonstration", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
Sina Parhizi, Hossein Lotfi, Amin Khodaei, Shay Bahramirad. "State of the Art in Research on Microgrids: A Review", IEEE Access, 2015
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2015
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Li, Dayi, and Z. Q. Zhu. "A Novel Integrated Power Quality Controller for Microgrid", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2015.
Yuko Hirase, Kazushige Sugimoto, Kenichi Sakimoto, Toshifumi Ise. "Analysis of Resonance in Microgrids and Effects of System Frequency Stabilization Using a Virtual Synchronous Generator", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2016
Hirase, Yuko, Kazushige Sugimoto, Kenichi Sakimoto, and Toshifumi Ise. "Analysis of Resonance in Microgrids and Effects of System Frequency Stabilization using a Virtual Synchronous Generator", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2016
Laghari, J. A., H. Mokhlis, M. Karimi, A.H.A. Bakar, and Hasmaini Mohamad. "An islanding detection strategy for distribution network connected with hybrid DG resources", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015.
Birgitte Bak-Jensen. "Review of islanding detection methods for distributed generation", 2008 Third International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, 04/2008
Madani, Seyed Sohail, Ali Abbaspour, Mojtaba Beiraghi, Payam Zamani Dehkordi, and Ali Mohammad Ranjbar. "Islanding detection for PV and DFIG using decision tree and AdaBoost algorithm", 2012 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe), 2012.2010, pp. 1_6.
Bimal K. Rose. "Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Systems", Proceedings of the IEEE, 2017
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