An Importunate Role of GIS in Indian Retail Industry

Dadi Sanyasinaidu


Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is bit by bit ending up more very important in the
business world because of its pertinence in a few zones. In the present very aggressive retail
site, it is winding up perpetually fundamental for retailers to screen their exchange zones,
measure the impact of competition, and pick new store areas purposely. GIS with its
capability to manage, show, and look at business data spatially, is advancing as an intense
area acumen instrument. The accentuation of this paper is on the utilization of GIS by
retailers in their retail site choices. Disregarding its plenteous advantages, use of GIS in
retail in India is in developing stage. There has been a moderate dissemination of cognizance
and acknowledgment of its advantages. Along these lines, in this paper endeavor is made to
outlines the advantages and troubles to the powerful utilization of GIS as a ponder
instrument in retail industry in India.

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